30.04.2018 | Potatoes
It is recommended to store potatoes in single-bulk volume of up to 3000 tons. Volume of fresh-air supply: 120 m3 per one ton of produce.
Storage temperature (depending on sort and purpose) should be kept within the range of +3 to +8 C. Table potatoes +3, French fry potatoes +8 C.
Excess carbon dioxide must be removed. СО2 index: no more than 5%
Year-round - with refrigeration equipment. Until April - with aeration system.
After having been put in storage, potatoes should be put through four processing steps: drying, curing, cooling and storing. Each step corresponds to a particular mode. Potatoes can be kept in both bulk and container storage. If bulk storage is used without a humidification system, bulk height should not exceed 4.5 m. If a humidification system is used, bulk height shouldn’t be more than 6 m.