9 Meliorativnaya St., Kostroma, Kostroma Region | “Kotletar” TM (Fabrika Zamorozhennykh Produktov LLC)
Development of a microclimate system for the storage of Kotletar onions (10 000 tons).
“Kotletar” TM is a manufacturer of processed-meat products.
To create a system for the long-term storage of onions until June, without their loss of marketability.
To provide for the possible storage of the company’s own frozen meat products in the rooms used for long-term onion storage.
To develop a technology for storing onions, in consideration of their import from Kazakhstan.
An aspiration system was implemented.
A final drying system for the onions was installed using electric air heaters.
Rotary compressors with a boiling-pressure maintenance system were installed so as to enable operation in low-temperature mode.
Automatic control and CO2 removal was created without the use of the main ventilation system.
Two storage sections were equipped with a centralized automation system.
Operational stages:
Design engineers and the construction department were in charge of the project, as well as company specialists in the area of ventilation and cooling equipment.