Apple storage facility with a capacity of 5000 tons, turnkey solution.
SolutionApples are stored in an environment with a specific concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) using the Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere (DCA) technology produced by Isolcell. This is one of the first storage facilities in Russia to use DCA with fluorescent sensors.
The project receives government subsidy.
Apples are stored in plastic containers (12 rows, ceiling height of 10 meters - one of the highest product placements in Russia!) in 20 chambers of 250 tons each.
The facility uses concrete columns instead of metal ones to reduce project costs and simplify the examination process.
The hermetic chambers are connected to the floor with a finished floor.
The project was implemented within a short timeframe, in time for the start of product storage.
As part of the work on the project, Agrovent specialists completed a number of tasks:
The project involved designers, the engineering department, and refrigeration equipment specialists from Agrovent.